Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lots to catch up on!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. The last couple of months have been interesting to say the least. During the contest I was also going to sewing classes and then Megan't friend came to stay with us for two weeks and then she went to stay at her friend's house for 3 weeks and I kept busy by making all the kids a gift. Anyway I'm back on track now and will try to be better about posting more regularly.

Dress that I made for Megan's doll using the contest pattern. Tea Time anyone. :)

Here's my new doll in another dress that I made with the certificate that I won hanging on my wall. :)

Here's a picture of the dolls that I got to choose from for the grand prize. I chose the doll in the middle because I've been wanting to get a blonde haired blue eyed doll and now I have one. :)

So sorry I didn't get around to posting this sooner but I WON! YEA!!!! :) There were so many beautiful dresses that I was just sure I didn't have a chance and I actually won by a very slim margin on the voting but I WON! :)

Here's the third and final dress that I made for the contest. I was going for a kind of Alice in Wonderland look although the striped tights that I had planned on making didn't work out. Oh well.

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